The FTAC Recon is a Battle Rifle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, known for its excellent mid-range performance. It shoots .458 rounds, which can be devastating to the player on the receiving end. The weapon can shoot in both semi-automatic as well as in full-auto modes. In semi-auto mode, the maximum achievable rate of fire stands at 500 rpm, and in full-auto, the rifle shoots at a rate of 545 rpm.
The semi-auto mode deals more damage at the cost of fire rate. That said, in semi-auto mode, FTAC Recon is essentially a two-shot kill with a time-to-kill of 120ms at ranges up to 42m, which is extremely fast. In full-auto mode, the damage drops for the rifle, and the time-to-kill goes from 120ms to 220ms at up to 42m.
Despite this downgrade, the TTK of the FTAC Recon is extremely competitive and is one of the best picks in the game. This guide will take a closer look at the best FTAC Recon loadout to use in Modern Warfare 2, the best Equipment for it, Perks, and more.
What is the best FTAC Recon class setup in Modern Warfare 2?
Often deemed the best semi-auto rifle in the game, the FTAC Recon's strengths lie in range. To couple with another weapon that excels in ranged combat won't be ideal. Hence, it is advised to pick secondaries that deliver brilliant results at close ranges. For this purpose, you can equip the FTAC Siege or the X13 Auto. Both are fantastic choices that boast a fast fire rate and can be used as an SMG.
As for the Perk Package, it is recommended to pick Double Time, Battle Hardened, Fast Hands, and High Alert. For Tactical Equipment, it is recommended to go with Shock Sticks or Stun Grenades; forLethal Equipment, it is advised to go with the Drill Charge, Molotov Cocktail, or Semtex.
These Perks and Equipment will perfectly complement the FTAC Recon. However, they won't help you win gunfights as they don't directly impact the gun. The section below covers the best attachments for FTAC Recon in Modern Warfare 2.
Best attachments for the FTAC Recon in Modern Warfare 2
As already mentioned, the FTAC Recon excels at medium-range engagements and is viable in long-range fights as well. Hence, the goal should be to maximize its strengths and minimize its weaknesses. The attachments in this guide will aim to improve the gun's accuracy so that its full potential can be unleashed.
Keeping this in mind, the following attachments are recommended for the FTAC Recon in Modern Warfare 2:
- Barrel: 419MM EXF Barrel
- Muzzle: Shred CP90
- Underbarrel: Edge-47 Grip
- Magazine: 15 Round Mag
- Optic: Slimline Pro/Cronen Mini Pro
419MM EXF Barrel boosts the damage range of the rifle, making it even more lethal at long ranges. It also gives the necessary boost to the bullet velocity and makes the hip fire more accurate.
Shred CP90 is a compensator that reduces recoil. It acts on both the vertical and the horizontal recoil and makes the rifle more accurate.
Edge-47 Grip stabilizes the recoil, which makes the FTAC Recon more viable at closer ranges, especially in full-auto mode. It also stabilizes the idle aim, which is crucial for maintaining accuracy in medium and long-range fights.
15 Round Mag gives 5 extra bullets per magazine. This ensures that you have enough bullets and don't have to reload your weapon in the middle of a gunfight.
Slimline Pro and Cronen Mini Pro are both solid optical sights. Both offer a clear picture of the targets and vision of the periphery as well without any obstruction.
How to unlock the FTAC Recon in Modern Warfare 2?
Unlocking the FTAC Recon is fairly simple. Since it belongs to the M4 Platform, you'll have to reach a Military Rank of Level 4 to access custom loadouts and unlock the M4. Once unlocked, you must use the M4 in your matches to upgrade it to Level 13. Doing so will unlock the FTAC Recon in both Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2.
Once acquired, it is advised to play a few matches with the weapon to level it up and unlock the various attachments and slots suggested in this guide.
That is all there is to know about the best FTAC Recon loadout for Modern Warfare 2. Follow Sportskeeda's Call of Duty section for the latest news about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.
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