Dateline: Secrets Uncovered - How did French model Samira Frasch die?

French model Samira Frasch, living a lavish life in the gated Tallahassee community of Golden Eagle with her husband and two daughters, was found beaten to death in the backyard pool in February 2014. The crime scene was discovered by a handyman and his young son.

French model Samira Frasch, living a lavish life in the gated Tallahassee community of Golden Eagle with her husband and two daughters, was found beaten to death in the backyard pool in February 2014. The crime scene was discovered by a handyman and his young son.

Samira's husband, Adam Frasch, a renowned American podiatrist, later became a prime suspect in the case when his story of the events that transpired the night before fell apart. Detectives also discovered that the couple were on the verge of divorce and that Adam was involved in multiple affairs. He was found guilty three years later.

Dateline: Secrets Uncovered is slated to recount Samira Frasch's murder in an upcoming episode this Wednesday, February 15, 2023. The synopsis states:

"When a model and up-and-coming YouTube celebrity is found dead, police question her husband to see if he can provide any answers."

The all-new episode, titled At the bottom of the Pool, will air at 8 pm ET on Oxygen.

French model Samira Frasch was found dead at the bottom of the backyard pool of her Tallahassee residence

In 2006, Samira Frasch, a Madagascar-native working as a fashion model in Paris, first met her husband, Adam Frasch, a renowned American podiatrist, who was married to his second wife and was preparing to get separated at the time. Three years later, Adam and Samira got married in Las Vegas and later settled down in Florida, having two daughters, Hyrah and Skynaah.

The couple lived an "extremely flamboyant" lifestyle, and their marriage was often described as a love-hate relationship, full of ups and downs, while also throwing lavish parties and having everything resembling a fancy Hollywood life.

Tragedy struck on February 22, 2014, when Samira was found dead at the bottom of the backyard swimming pool at their mansion located in the gated Tallahassee community of Golden Eagle. Her body was discovered sometime around 11 in the morning by their maintenance worker, Gerald Gardner, who found her lying motionless and naked with a leopard print robe tied around her waist.

Gerald then called 911 to report the murder and also expressed his unwillingness to touch the victim's body during the call. An autopsy later determined Samira's cause of death as a combination of drowning and blunt force trauma to the head. Moreover, people close to the victim told authorities that she didn't know how to swim.

All evidence found painted Samira Frasch's then-husband, renowned podiatrist Adam Frasch, as the killer

According to reports, the handyman, Gerald, was the initial suspect in Samira Frasch's case, but he claimed that he did not remove the body from the pool to avoid getting his DNA on her. He was soon ruled out as a suspect, and detectives closed in on her husband at the time, Adam Frasch, as the killer.

Adam had allegedly left the house hours before Samira’s body was found, along with their two daughters. He was called in for interrogation, and his story did not corroborate with the evidence. He claimed that the victim had consumed around two bottles of champagne the night before. He also described her as a violent alcoholic. A toxicology report failed to show any traces of alcohol in her body.

Detectives soon found out about the tumultuous nature of the former couple's marriage; they were on the brink of divorce, with Samira Frasch getting sole temporary custody of their daughters along with a significant amount of alimony and assets. The night before the murder, they also fought over Adam's s*x tape with an ex-girlfriend, who allegedly sold the video to Samira.

According to reports, following a tip, authorities found Samira's DNA on a golf club found at their home, which was allegedly used to strike her in the head. Adam also had a suspicious scratch under his eye.

It was alleged that Adam Frasch had the perfect means, motive, and opportunity to carry out the murder. At his trial, his cellmate Dave Folsom testified, claiming that Adam confessed to him about the murder. Folsom testified that the couple's fight turned physical and Adam brutally hit Samira using a golf club. He then threw her body in the pool while she was still alive to get rid of his DNA.

Adam was found guilty of first-degree murder in 2017, receiving a life sentence in prison.

Samira Frasch's case will be detailed in Dateline: Secrets Uncovered's new episode on February 15, at 8 pm ET.

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