Dumb Things In X-Men: Apocalypse Everyone Just Ignored

X-Menmovies love a good cage fight scene, and in this one, Singer uses the mutant fight club to introduce us to Angel and Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler is dumped into the ring as an unwilling contestant, and somehow can't teleport out of the ring because ... it's electrified? Which makes no sense, because that would mean Nightcrawler

X-Men movies love a good cage fight scene, and in this one, Singer uses the mutant fight club to introduce us to Angel and Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler is dumped into the ring as an unwilling contestant, and somehow can't teleport out of the ring because ... it's electrified? Which makes no sense, because that would mean Nightcrawler can't, like, teleport through a wall with wiring in it. Or a light switch.

That is absurd. Nightcrawler can teleport to pretty much anywhere he can see or has visited before. Hell, why not just teleport into the rafters, then outside the ring?

That doesn't even address the question of how these guys managed to capture Nightcrawler and keep him prisoner. He's a teleporter, and pretty darn nimble, to boot. Not the easiest guy for some street level fight club thugs to grab and lock up.

