Shiny Smeargle is notoriously difficult to catch in Pokemon GO. The Painter Pokemon only appears during certain special events in the game.
One such event is the Festival of Colors. This year's edition of the event will start at 10:00 am local time on March 8, 2023, and run until 8:00 am local time on March 14, 2023.
Like many artists in real life, Smeargle is known to be elusive and avoids public appearances. The shiny form of the creature is even rarer, given its event-only availability.
Smeargle also has a gimmick in Pokemon GO, wherein it doesn't appear on the map like other creatures. Instead, it photobombs players' snapshots, which is when they have to catch it.
Take snapshots of your Pocket Monsters for a chance to encounter shiny Smeargle during Pokemon GO's Festival of Colors 2023
To find a shiny Smeargle in Niantic's mobile game, you must take snapshots of the Pocket Monsters you have already captured.
Follow these steps during the Festival of Colors event for a chance to spawn a shiny Smeargle, which you can add to your collection:
Step 1: Open Pokemon GO on your mobile device. Ensure you have a working rear camera on it.
Step 2: Click on the Poke Ball icon at the bottom of the screen.
Step 3: Click on Menu-Titled Items.
Step 4: Inside the Items menu, scroll down until you find the Key Items section.
Step 5: You will see the camera in that section. Click on it.
Step 6: You will be taken to the page where you must select the Pokemon you want to take a snapshot of. Select whichever you like, as this doesn't impact the spawning of shiny Smeargle.
Step 7: Once you select the Pokemon, you will have to move your camera around to find a flat surface to bring out the creature. Once it is out, press the click button to take the snapshot.
Step 8: When you view the snapshot you just took, you will see Smeargle has photobombed the image.
Step 9: Seeing this means a Smeargle is ready to spawn. You now have to exit the camera interface and return to the map. You will see Smeargle spawn near you. Whether or not shiny Smeargle appears is down to your luck.
Step 10: Click on it and then follow the regular process of catching the Pocket Monster by throwing Pokeballs at it.
What are the chances of Smeargle being shiny in Pokemon GO?
The probability of finding the shiny version of a Pokemon in Niantic's mobile game is about 1-in-500 or 0.2%. However, it is usually slightly higher (1.6%) for Pocket Monsters that rarely spawn. Combined with the reported 15 spawn cap on Smeargle, the chances of encountering one are extremely low.
However, the Festival of Colors 2023 event will be live for the next week. This means that you might have a decent chance of landing a shiny Smeargle (or two) if you consistently take snapshots of your Pokemon every single day.
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