How to play Roblox Jujutsu Chronicles

If you are a fan of Jujutsu Kaisen, you can find multiple games based on the manga and anime series on Roblox. While it is difficult to find well-made titles among those options, one excellent game is Jujutsu Chronicles. It is an exciting experience that allows you to battle cursed spirits as a budding sorcerer

If you are a fan of Jujutsu Kaisen, you can find multiple games based on the manga and anime series on Roblox. While it is difficult to find well-made titles among those options, one excellent game is Jujutsu Chronicles. It is an exciting experience that allows you to battle cursed spirits as a budding sorcerer and hone your skills.

This guide breaks down the basic elements of Jujutsu Chronicles, focusing on basic gameplay.

All you need to know about Roblox Jujutsu Chronicles

Understanding your moveset in Roblox Jujutsu Chronicles

Before you can become a true jujutsu sorcerer in Roblox Jujutsu Chronicles, you need to master the basic moveset. Here's a quick breakdown of the essential controls:

  • WASD - Move around: You can use the WASD keys on your keyboard to move around in the game.
  • Mouse - Aim: You can move your mouse around to aim your attacks on the cursed spirits.
  • Q - Dash: You can use this to swiftly move around the battlefield, dodge enemy attacks, and close the gap when needed.
  • M1 - Punches: This is your standard attack. Execute combos and initiate your attacks with Mouse Button 1.
  • M2 - Grab/combo ender: Mouse Button 2 allows you to grab your opponents and finish combos with powerful moves. Different combos can be executed with M1 and M2.
  • E - Cursed energy activation (damage boost): Activate your cursed energy to increase the damage of your attacks.
  • F - Block: When you are in the thick of the battle, you can hold 'F' to block incoming attacks from the cursed spirits and reduce the damage taken.
  • T - Train endurance: You can increase your Max Health by pressing 'T' and training your endurance.
  • Cursed Tool (TBA): This slot is reserved for a special ability that's yet to be revealed, so keep an eye out for future updates.

Mastering combos in Roblox Jujutsu Chronicles

Mastering combos is essential to becoming a skilled sorcerer in the game. Here are some M1 and M2 combo variations for you to experiment and master:

  • Basic Combo (M1): You can do five consecutive M1 punches, finishing with a powerful punch that knocks your opponent away.
  • Air Combo (M1): You can perform a series of punches (three times M1) before holding the 'Space button' and executing two more M1 punches. This combo launches you and your opponent into the air before you can kick them away.
  • Ground Combo (M1): This is similar to the Air Combo, but the finishing punch knocks your opponent straight to the ground.

Masteries in Roblox Jujutsu Chronicles

In Roblox Jujutsu Chronicles, you'll have four primary masteries to work on, each of which contributes to your overall combat prowess. These masteries are essential for improving your performance in battles.

Here's a rundown of the max stats for each mastery:

  • Combat mastery: This mastery directly affects the damage of your basic attacks (M1s) and combo enders/grabs (M2). To increase your Combat Mastery, engage in combat by using standard attacks and executing grabs/combo enders on your opponents.
  • Stamina mastery: Stamina plays a vital role in your ability to dash, evade, and fight. Raising your Max Stamina can be achieved by dashing regularly!
  • Endurance mastery: Your health is your lifeline in the game. To boost your Max Health, simply press 'T' to train your endurance.
  • Cursed energy mastery: Cursed energy is crucial for powering up your attacks. To increase your Max Cursed Energy, press 'E' to activate your energy and leave it on. This mastery enhances your ability to unleash devastating moves.
  • Cursed technique mastery: This mastery enhances your cursed technique's damage and sometimes changes the characteristics of your moves. You can increase it by using your cursed technique's moves.

In Roblox Jujutsu Chronicles, mastering your character's abilities and moveset is the key to success.

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