Mistella Rowe (born Misty Rose Thornton, June 1, 1952) is an American actress. She is best known for portraying the perky, squeaky-voiced blonde on the American television series Hee Haw for 19 years, often appearing as Junior Samples's assistant during used-car comedy segments. Rowe and other "honeys" on the series were notable for performing in cleavage-inducing halter tops, tight shorts, and country-style minidresses. Rowe starred in the 1978 Hee Haw spin-off Hee Haw Honeys, cast with then-newcomer Kathie Lee Gifford (then known as Kathie Lee Johnson) as the singing daughters of country music diner owners portrayed by Lulu Roman and Kenny Price. Rowe later appeared in a national road show version of the series entitled Hee Haw Honey Reunion.