Elden Ring has been a tremendous success, allowing new depths of creativity from players of all kinds. Like most FromSoft games, there are plenty of items that are handed to players with little explanation as to what to do next.
Some classes in Elden Ring certainly sound like they should be carrying around a religious text, but the items don't seem to do anything. The books sitting in the player's inventory hold incredible power if given to the right person.
Everything to know about Prayerbooks in Elden Ring
Prayerbooks unlock incantations for sale in Elden Ring. Players can simply hand them off to Brother Corhyn in the Roundtable Hold to buy powerful magic options.
There are seven Prayerbooks in Elden Ring, each of which unlocks two or three incantations to be purchased from Brother Corhyn. The books open up the options in his merchant window and allow the player to buy hidden spells.
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Prayerbooks can also be given to Miriel, Pastor of Vows. Miriel resides in front of the Church of Vows on the East Isle of Liurna of the Lakes. They'll tell the player some fun lore if asked, and they'll offer the same incantations for the same tomes.
At this time, it's unclear if there is any difference in handing in Prayerbooks to one NPC or the other. They teach the same incantations for the same price and seem to both fulfill this purpose.
What do the Prayerbooks unlock?
Elden Ring's incantations do everything from healing to damaging, to buffing, to debuffing. Each Prayerbook comes with a central theme and two or three new spell options available for sale.
The Assassin's Prayerbook can be found behind the second Imp Statue in Roundtable Hold, with the use of three keys. It teaches Assassin's Approach, which silences the caster's footsteps, and Darkness, which obscures them with magic.
The Godskin Prayerbook is in a locked chest on a rooftop just outside of Rampart Tower. It teaches Black Flame and Black Flame Blade, both of which wield fire as a weapon.
The Fire Monk's Prayerbook sits on a corpse in the Fire Monk's southern outpost. It contains two more fire spells, O, Flame and Surge, O Flame, which burn nearby enemies.
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The Giant's Prayerbook is on top of Guardians Garrison, atop the tower behind Arghanthy. It teaches Giantsflame Take Thee and Flame, Upon Them, which continue the trend of fire-based attack spells.
The Two Finger's Prayerbook is on the first floor of the Fortified Manor in Leyndell Royal Capital. It teaches two healing incantations, Lord's Heal and Lord's Aid.
The Dragon Cult Prayerbook is the only one to teach three spells. It is dropped by a gold knight in the south of Liurnia of the Lakes. It contains Lightning Spear, Honed Bolt, and Electrify Armament.
Finally, the Ancient Dragon Prayerbook resides in the Crumbling Beast Grave Depths. It teaches Ancient Dragon Lightning Spear and Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike.
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