What happened to Jaehyuk? TREASURE fans left enraged over concerning fire incident

On Sunday, April 2, TREASUREs Jaehyuks fans took to Twitter to trend Get well soon Jaehyuk after a stage prop malfunctioned and almost caused fatal burns to the idol. For the unversed, TREASURE members are currently on their 2023 HELLO Tour and were performing in the Bangkok leg of the tour.

On Sunday, April 2, TREASURE’s Jaehyuk’s fans took to Twitter to trend “Get well soon Jaehyuk” after a stage prop malfunctioned and almost caused fatal burns to the idol. For the unversed, TREASURE members are currently on their 2023 HELLO Tour and were performing in the Bangkok leg of the tour.

A flamethrower placed near the stage which was meant to be ignited at a certain point in the performance, however, went off at the wrong time due to a technical issue and unfortunately the flames almost burnt TREASURE’s Jaehyuk, who was passing by the flamethrower at the time.

The harrowing incident concerned fans all around the world, with members and fans feeling enraged over the concerning fire incident. “Get well soon Jaehyuk”, @maiihyunsuk wrote on Twitter, using the line as a hashtag and tagging TREASURE’s official social media account.

"I'm so glad ur okay our best boy": Fans trend “Get Well Soon Jaehyuk” as the idol almost fatally gets burnt due to a stage prop in Bangkok concert

Despite the stage prop almost instantly going off without giving any indication of its malfunction, TREASURE’s Jaehyuk acted on his feet and quickly sprinted in the other direction, leading to his other co-members stopping the performance midway to check on him.

The injured member stepped off the stage and returned with his right hand bandaged thoroughly to conceal the burn marks after almost burning himself fatally due to the concerning fire. The concert later resumed and the Darari singer was able to remove his bandage and fans were relieved to see the severity of the injury wasn’t a lot.

The severity of the situation, however, left TREASURE fans enraged, who took to social media to trend “Get well soon Jaehyuk,” demanding that YG Entertainment and the concert organizers take responsibility for the situation.

The Darari singer later took to Weverse post the Bangkok concert and assured fans in a brief post that he was doing okay and thanked TEUMEs (the group's fandom name) for their kind words and concerning messages.

He assured fans that he is fit to perform for the rest of the tour and that the injury isn’t too threatening.

The cause of the prop malfunction is unknown and neither YG Entertainment nor the concert organizers or the management at the venue have addressed the issue at the time of writing the article.

More about TREASURE’s '2023 HELLO Tour'

TREASURE embarked on its first Asian tour since making a smash-hit debut in 2020 with the '2023 HELLO Tour'. The concert tour is named after the group's latest comeback, The Second Step: Chapter Two, accompanied by its title track Hello, which was released on October 4, 2022.

The ten-member group traveled to seven regions and eight nights of unforgettable performances. Notably, this is the group’s first major activity since the departure of members Bang Yedam and Mashiho.

The Spring-Summer tour started in March in Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan and will end in Macau, China, on April 2022.

TREASURE will perform in Singapore’s Indoor Stadium on April 8, followed by SM Mall of Asia Arena in Manila, the Philippines on April 15 and finally, conclude the Asian leg of the Hello tour with Galaxy Arena at Galaxy Macau, Macau, on April 22.

TREASURE fans can check out Weverse or the group’s official social media accounts for more information on the '2023 HELLO Tour'.

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